In the last decade, ensuring greater access to Programs as follows Progress was clearly visible as The vulnerability of the ultra-poor and minority communities were reduced through the inclusion of a special program and their enrollment in various food security projects DISASTER MANAGEMENT FOUNDATION did will meet the challenges of implementing its programs at a time of global and national economic downturn and consequent intensifying competition for funds, qualified staff market share for pro-poor enterprises.
- MCH Care & Nutrition Education for the Schedule Caste Women & Children.
- Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation Project.
- Primary Health Care & Nutrition Education Program
- Yard Base Vegetable Cultivate Training Program.
- Pre-Primary Education Program.
- Gender & Women Development Program.
- Disable Development Program.
- Child Marriage and Derry System and Established Human Rights Cultural Program.
- Church Planning, Youth Fellowship, Workshop, Sunday School Program.
- Livelihood, Good Governance.
- Sexual Reproductive Health and Right (SRHR).
- Autistic School Program.